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Get ready for spring!  Each house is unique! There are three kind, just let us know on your order which you prefer.  The Chateau, The Crazy Lollipop and the Condo. Click on the pix you like and the name will appear.


Mason and Leafcutter Bees are perfect for fruit and nut trees, berries, and spring-blooming flowers. They are super pollinators who visit thousands of flowers per day with a pollination rate of 99%!  But like all bees, they need our help now.  A mason bee's entire life cycle is  4-6 weeks and is fascinating.  By supplying mason bees with a new home, in a very interesting and simple hands-on way, we provide support to our environment.


The tower is made of 3/8 inch steel, a handblown glass ball, and a copper glass holder which is coated with an industry-clear protective coat. The steel has multiple coats of rust preventive paint or is a rust-colored patina. 


The house is approximately 60" high when the foot is embedded in the ground (14" post w/pole stabilizer prong ) x 6" wide x 8" long.


Colors available: Red, Blue, Green, Black, Brown (Japanese Brown Patina)

Please click on the color you want.

The Mason/ Leafcutter Bee home series

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